Portrait d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera. flag

Portrait  d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera.
Portrait  d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera.-photo-2
Portrait  d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera.-photo-3
Portrait  d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera.-photo-4
Portrait  d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera.-photo-1
Portrait  d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera.-photo-2
Portrait  d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera.-photo-3
Portrait  d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera.-photo-4

Description de l’antiquite :

"Portrait d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera."
Superbe portrait,dédicacé signé et daté , par le  grand peintre espagnol Ricardo Lopez Cabrera,(1864-1950)
Ce vivant  portrait dégage bien la forte et pourtant douce personnalité de son ami à qui il la dédicacé.Traité avec la vérité et la touche  digne  d'un portrait de Manet...Daté 1911. Beau format  pour ce tableauavec son cadre d'origine  en trés bon état .
Sur la photo,au dos de la toile, il s'agit d'une  tache  de peinture ou salissure .Ce n'est pas une une restauration .
trés bon état d'origine. 
Ce peitnre célèbre en Espagne a des toiles dans plusieurs grands  musées espagnols.

Dimensions hors cadre: 68x56 cms
avec cadre: 86x78 cms.
ce tableau n est actuellement pas exposé à la galerie,mais peut y être sur demande préalable.

After his first Sevillian stage, in 1887 he moved to Rome to continue his studies, thanks to an opposition called by the Provincial Council of Seville to fill a place as a pensioner, which he won. There he stayed for four years. "The domain of drawing and the study of perspective were one of his main artistic concerns [...] always within a rigorous academic spirit" 1 An example of this is his work Gladiator (1888) that is exhibited in the Museum of Fine Arts. Arts of Seville . "Figure, in natural size, of a victorious gladiator of the Roman circus." 2 Appears naked, showing his musculature. He also painted some landscapes in Venice in these years outside of Spain.
Back in his hometown, on October 2, 1895, he married Rosario, the daughter of Jiménez Aranda who began to work as his teacher at this time, in which he enjoyed prestige. He made a work in the house of the Marquises of Angulo, in the bedroom, on whose ceiling he represents The Apotheosis of the Arts , in 1899. In 1906 he was appointed a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Santa Isabel de Hungary in Seville .
In 1909 he settled in Argentina , due to the scarcity of commercial possibilities for his work in the Seville capital, residing in the city of Córdoba until 1923. During this period he combined his artistic activity with teaching at the School of Fine Arts. He preferred this city to settle in Buenos Aires (axis of artistic culture) for its placidity, since, as his son expresses, he “fled whenever he could from the busyness of the big cities. They got on his nerves. " 3
In February 1923 he returned to Spain, dedicating five years to painting fifteen triptychs on traditional themes from the different Spanish regions: Andalusia , Aragon , Asturias , Balearic Islands , Canary Islands , Castilla la Nueva , Castilla la Vieja , Catalonia , Extremadura , Galicia , León , Murcia , Navarra , Valencia and the Basque Country. Each triptych consists of a central canvas, almost square, of 1.25 x 1.50 m and two sides of lower height of 1.10 x 0.85, all of them painted in natural, without photographs or professional models, in their places of origin. It was called by him "the work", to which he attached such importance that in order to finance it he sometimes had to make exhibitions and portraits for sale. All together they are 48 meters long. “The central canvases corresponding to the two archipelagos - the Balearic and the Canary Islands - represent landscapes, without any human figure. All the others collect figures of men and women with popular clothing from their respective regions, on typical backgrounds, indoors or outdoors ”. 4
He remained in Spain until his death in Seville on January 7, 1950 at the age of 85, although in these last years of life he had health problems (senile dementia) that kept him away from painting.
His artistic production includes a broad theme, in its first stage it deals with the theme of manners or "casings", to portraiture and landscape, including various works made on the Andalusian coast of Rota and Chipiona , with fishermen themes, clearly being Sorolla's influence on these works is perceptible .
In his mature stage, regional themes and landscapes predominate, especially those of Alcalá de Guadaira on the outskirts of Seville.
Selection of Works [ edit ]

Portrait of Rosario Jiménez, Bellver Collection
  • The Gladiator (1888) exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts in Seville.
  • Grandfather's Tale (1890)
  • The lullaby (1895)
  • The honeymoon (1896)
  • For the Fatherland (1897)
  • The Seville market (1897)
  • The grape tread in Andalusia (1903)
  • Good Fishing (1904)
  • Newlyweds (c. 1905) that is currently on display at the Carmen Thyssen Museum in Malaga .
  • Loading the ship (1907)
  • Sweet Dream (1913)
  • Argentine Ranches (1918)
  • The poor man's dining room (1920)
  • Portrait of José Jiménez Aranda preserved in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Santa Isabel de Hungary in Seville.

  • Prix: 2 600 €
    Artiste: Ricardo Lopez Cabrera (1864-1950)
    Epoque: 20ème siècle
    Style: Autre style
    Etat: Très bon état

    Matière: Huile sur toile
    Largeur: 56 cms
    Hauteur: 68 cms

    Référence (ID): 1270102

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    Portrait d'Un Homme De Qualité, Par Ricardo Lopez Cabrera.

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