singe à la noix de coco initialement doté d'un coussin sur la tête ,
et faisant office de siège de jardin ,
Le coussin est manquant ,
fortement restauré à la base et au socle
modèle de Minton de 1873
hauteur 45 cm
Cf. Elizabeth Aslin and Paul Atterbury, Minton 1798-1910, Victoria & Albert Museum, Thomas Goode & Co. Ltd., London, 1976, p. 94; See Victoria Bergesen, Majolica, British, Continental and American Wares 1851-1915, London, 1989, pl. VI; and anon. sale, William Doyle Galleries, New York, 29 November 1995, lot 745 for a pair.
It is interesting to note that the introduction of this model in the late 1850's coincides with the publication of Darwin's theories On the Origin of Species. It is likely that this model was inspired by the hotly debated subject of the day. A widely discussed treatise, particularly in the potteries, as Darwin was the son of Susannah Wedgwood and married to his cousin, Emma, Josiah Wedgwood II's daughter.