Yehudi MENHUIN (1916 - 1999), violoniste et chef d’orchestre américain
Lettre signée à Leslie Grunberg. 20 mars 1996 ; 1 page in-4° sur papier en-tête. Lettre en anglais
Menhuin ne souhaite pas participer au film Samarkande et en explique les raisons : « Thank you for your letter concerning your film « Chants of Sand ans Stars ». It is not that i do not wish to somehow contribute to the film and be part of it, it is only that my name appears as being on lacation in Samarkande with no date arranged nor, i feel, possible, and that i am shown as accompanying one of the ‘hazzanim’ of the community. I felt that you were misleading your sponsors. Of course, all this would be wonderful in an ideal world, but i fear that i will not be able to take so active a part. I would, however, not like this to interfere with some session introducting the film, commenting on it or making an epilogue, or some such kind of collaboration. I would like you to understand that my criticism and my apprehension that i will probably not have the time to participate does not imply that i do not wish to do so. You do not have to delete that line in the forthcoming edition but please do not indicate that i will be in Samarkande and accompany one of the singers. That really is not possible in the near future… »