Guy Peellaert (1934-2008) Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Giclee Print 1/5 Ex flag

Guy Peellaert (1934-2008)   Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Giclee Print 1/5 Ex
Guy Peellaert (1934-2008)   Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Giclee Print 1/5 Ex-photo-2
Guy Peellaert (1934-2008)   Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Giclee Print 1/5 Ex-photo-1

Description de l’antiquite :

"Guy Peellaert (1934-2008) Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Giclee Print 1/5 Ex"
Guy Peellaert (1934-2008)
Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi
Ciclee print 1/5 ex
signé et encadré
Though both were strangers in a strange land, the two men had little in common. Gandhi didn't believe in the unconscious, and Freud had no time for passive resitance. "I prefer existence to extinction," said the analist, who was dying of cancer.
"Each," the Mahatma replied, " is an illusion."
Their only points of agreementwere a shared dislike of English food and a weakness for english murders.
Hour after hour,about the comparative merits of arsenic and strychnine, cyanide and acid baths.
The discussion left them with sharpened appetites, but when they took a look at the menu their worst fears were confirmed.
" 'Bubble and Squak'? 'Spotted Dick'? 'Toad in a Hole'? " Freud read, and he heaved a despairing sigh. "Just a glass of water please."
"And for me, " Gandhi added, "a small cup of salt."
Prix: 1 850 €
Artiste: Guy Peellaert (1934-2008)
Epoque: 20ème siècle
Style: Art moderne
Etat: Bon état encadrée. passe-partout un peu ondulé

Matière: Ciclee print
Longueur: 75
Hauteur: 55

Référence (ID): 824794

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Guy Peellaert (1934-2008) Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Giclee Print 1/5 Ex


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