"[douazac - Allamand - Mairault] Collection Of Several Texts From The 18th Century. 1753."
[DOUAZAC - ALLAMAND - MAIRAULT] - Dissertation on subordination, with reflections on exercise and military art. New expanded edition of Critical Letters. Followed by Pensées anti-philosophiques and by Les pastorales de Nemesien et de Calpurnius translated into French, with remarks and a discourse on the Eclogue. Avignon / The Hague / Brussels, At the expense of the company, Chez Pierre van Cleef, Chez Balthazard Winfeld, 1753; in-12, 175 + XII-80 + 250 pp., period full marbled calfskin binding, spine with 5 ornate bands, edges painted red, title label in red morocco. Barbier 4301. Meeting of three anonymous texts gathered in the same binding.