Saintonge. Bird ridge finial in glazed earthenware covered with a lead glaze colored with an olive green gradation. Composed of two sealed parts. A bird surmounts a globular part above a flared column at its base. The latter is divided into four vertical lines composed of three superimposed rings.
Dimensions: Height 63 cm Diameter 36 cm
Period: First half of the 19th century.
Condition: Average condition. One of the sides of the bird suffered a shock revealing seeds inside, on the same trajectory the tail of the bird is damaged.
- Related work: Two similar finials are present in the collections of the Musée d'Orbigny in La Rochelle and the Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires in Paris.
-Museum: A similar work is kept at the Musée d'Orbigny Bernon.
- Bibliography: Potters of Saintonge. Eight centuries of rural craftsmanship. Edition of the National Museums. Ref 337 P 99-100. Orbigny Museum.