"Saint Hilaire - Pictavorvm Episcoli. 1652, Book Of Prices To The Arms Of Louis XIV."
SAINT HILAIRE - Pictavorvm episcoli, qvotqvot extant opera nostro fere secvlo literatorvm quorundam non mediocri labore conquisita, & a censuris nonnullorum affectorum, ad sensum verae pietatis restituta: Nunc tandem ex collatione veterum codicum emendata, variis lectionibus illustrata, quorundamque tractatuum accessione locupletata. And Gemino Index copiosissimo ornata. Paris, Impensis Societatis Typographicae Librorum Officij Ecclesiastici, Iussu Regis Con, 1652; folio, VI-XXX-1206 columns, index, index rerum, verborum and memorabilium, full calfskin binding spine with 6 nerves adorned with fleur-de-lis and an L surmounted by a crown, covers adorned with an orderly pattern of lilies and the number "L" surmounted by the royal crown, with the arms of Lous XIV King of France, surrounded by a first collar: Order of Saint-Michel, as well as the Order of the Holy Spirit, all framed by a double frieze, gilt edges. Ex-libris Caumartin, and on the title page manuscript ex-libris: "society of Jesus". A Latin text attests that this book was given first prize for theater by the company of Jesus on behalf of King Louis XIV to Emmanuel Joseph du Megaudauye. This Latin text bears a wax seal with a hot stamped paper stamp, it is signed by Charles de Mérouville, apparently the director of a Jesuit college. These are the texts of Hilaire de Poitier in Latin on two columns in a Garamont typeface. Texts written in the fourth century by Hilaire, a great defender of Nicene orthodoxy against Arianism and Sabelianism. Hilaire de Poitier is one of the doctors of the church. Very nice work despite a small restoration to the lower cover, and some scuffing on the edges of the binding and on the joints. Louis XIV arms price book.