Amethyst coloured with silvering, the details are engraved with stylised floral decorations.
Period: Art Deco
Dimensions: Height: 32cm - Diameter: 13cm
Signature: D'Argyl
After acquiring the EFFLER company in 1890, which specialised in goldsmithing and the mounting of crystals on pieces with silver-plated metal mounts, E. VAL & Cie set up a storefront to sell its products and an art gallery to exhibit various earthenware, glass and porcelain objects.
It will offer colourful vases made in Bohemia with Art Nouveau style frames. She will then buy from LEGRAS, SAINT DENIS and PANTIN glassworks, all of which will bear the VAL signature (enamel or engraved).
DAUM's turn will come via the Verrerie d'ART LORRAIN in Croismare for exclusive models.
The D'ARGYL brand was registered by this company in 1928. The pieces will be manufactured by the glass factory of ART LORRAIN-Verrerie de la BELLE ETOILE always in Croismare which will be under the responsibility of Paul DAUM.
The signature D'ARGYL is also used for the artistic objects distributed by E. VAL & Cie until 1940.