"Writing Case Italy XVII Ebony And Ivory And Bone"
17th century Italian writing case with engraved ivory plates, with hunting scenes. At the back, three rectangular medallions depicting ancient scenes and hunts The writing desk has a side drawer, and rests on four slab feet. Naples, Italy, 17th century. Workshop of Iacobo Fiamengo and Giovanni Battista de Curtis Casket with similar writing desks Public sale, Wannenes, Italy, 28/2/20 Museum of Milan, Sforza Castle Works attributed to I. Fiamengo and GB de Curtus: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg , signed De Curtis, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Los Angeles, County Museum of Art, Musée Benoît-De-Puydt de Bailleul, Museum of Saint Martin of Naples. Neapolitan workshop of Iacobo Fiamengo and Giovanni Battista de Curtis