Boxwood sculpture
Venetian master
Period mid-17th century
Head feet cm. 32
Arm opening cm. 23
Perfect conditions
Excellent boxwood sculpture representing the crucified Christ carved and chiseled with an exceptionally fine sculptural technique. The stylistic and descriptive elegance of the splendid figure is truly remarkable, and all the anatomical details, especially the hands and feet, testify to the great skill of the author. The representation of Christ still alive also makes it possible to bring out the suffering and the passion of his face which, with its mouth open, gives the impression of crying out in pain. We remind you that the processing of this precious species of wood, which stands out for its exceptional hardness and for being incorruptible, is extremely difficult and requires great skill. The result is an artifact with a great visual effect and a pleasant feeling to the touch, like ivory creations. The work, datable to the mid-1600s, should be placed within the finest interpretations of Venetian art with obvious references to the Tuscan 1500s and already mature towards the transition to Baroque sculpture. It is in excellent condition, practically intact and without any lack. The patina of time that surrounds it has worked excellently as the author, managing to increase its charm with a luminous halo of great charm.