"Grandville And Desperet - Journey Of Immutable Thought Through Busy Populations."
GRANDVILLE (Jean-Jacques), DESPERET (A.) - Journey of immutable thought through busy populations. Paris, La Caricature, 1833; in-4, a folded color page, in fact it is six plates of the Caricature magazine mounted on a tab. €500 Publisher's caption, under the engraving: Plate number: 324, Plate number: 325, Plate number: 326, Plate number: 327, Plate number: 328, Plate number plate: 329, Publication number: 155, publication number: 156, Publication number: 157, La Caricature (Journal) n° (publication number) Pl. (plate number) and (plate number); caption below: Text on four lines, Of his benefits to us everything speaks: May the day of peace come, and Our happiness will be made by the / great King, Viennet; caption below: Text on one line, Long live the rrrrroî! Long live the roua! Long live the wheel! Long live the wheel! ; caption below: Text in four lines, As well as Alexander the great,/on his entry into Babylon……as well as Alexander the great…………as well as……. ; caption below, text in five lines, I always receive with pleasure/and that the feelings that animate you/and that you express to me….who and that…whose…….who….who….that….who… .who….that…that….who….who….etc.etc. ; caption below, text on one line. This engraving represents the omnibus dragged by the four lame women. Vigorous caricature of Louis Philippe King of France, printed in lithography by Becquet rue de Furstemberg in Paris. The good people welcoming the king during a visit to Evreux and Lisieux. On the steps of a monument the misdeeds of Louis Philippe, state of siege, trial against the newspapers. Just in front of the king, the notables are all smiles, behind him the people are grimacing, the end of the convoy represents a stagecoach followed by journalists who are closing the ban. Extremely rare together the right edge of the last page is cut flush with the lithograph. Nice copy.