"Art Deco Berlin Candlestick."
Art Deco Berlin candlestick. Werner Gothein (1890 - 1968). This candlestick comes from the Staatlichen Majolika-Manufaktur Karlsruhe (National Majolica Factory Karlsruhe). It was made during the Art Deco period. In 1912, Werner Gothein after having discovered the works of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner during an exhibition, became a student of the Muim Institute in Berlin. Around 1920, Werner Gothein devoted himself to the designs of utilitarian ceramic objects, which were produced between 1924 and 1936 in the national majolica factory in Karlsruhe and the workshop in Velten-Vordamm near Berlin. Ceramic Bears the No. 297 Mark Karlsruhe. Label .