"Watercolor Louis Burleigh Bruhl (1861-1942)"
Louis Burleigh Bruhl was born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1861. He was educated in Vienna and England and studied medicine at the London Hospital. A self-taught painter and watercolourist, he became president of the Dudley Gallery Art Society and headed the Watercolor Society. He was a prolific artist, very prestigious in his time and very famous for his watercolors. It is present in many museums. We offer for sale this magnificent and spectacular watercolor on paper. It is a large format (60cm/100cm and with the frame 95cm/130cm). This lake landscape, signed, titled, and dated 1897 is of very fine pictorial quality. The colors remained very fresh. The work is originally framed in a magnificent quality frame in carved gilded wood. The watercolor is protected by a glass. Very decorative work and in perfect condition.