"Ex Voto, Oil On Hardboard, Dated 1927."
Ex voto, oil on hardboard, dated 1927. The painted ex voto is a form of popular artistic expression that expresses gratitude for overcoming a difficulty, such as an illness, an accident, a long journey. The painting depicts a pious woman kneeling on the steps of an altar praying, giving thanks for the Grace Received. The details of the furnishings of the altar are splendid: the triptych of cartaglorie, the candlesticks, the vases with fresh flowers, the tabernacle surmounted by a painting depicting Jesus. Note the fine workmanship of the lace that descends from the altar. On the base of the wall below the window is the inscription: P.G.R. (By Grace Received) 1927 BLESSED FERRERO. The ex voto is embellished with a gilded wooden frame. Perfect state of conservation. Size: cm. 52.5 x 40