"Studded Chest"
Rectangular leather-covered wooden chest, studded with floral motifs, interlacing and fleur-de-lis in the corners, placed on four flat round feet. Lock with cherub decoration and brass ornaments. Most certainly a late 17th century - early 18th century Spanish work. The chest has been reduced later on both sides as shown by the missing fleur-de-lys parts on the lid. Accidents on the leather and on a stick and missing handles on the sides The chest in the 17th century and again in the 18th century was an important element of furniture in the same way as the table or the bed. It was useful both as a storage unit in homes and for transporting items when owners moved around. Attached to the carriages, often mishandled during unloading, and quickly replaced, it is quite rare for chests from this period to reach us.