"[bruzen De La Martiniere] - The Art Of Preserving One's Health, Composed By The School Of Salerno. 1777."
[BRUZEN DE LA MARTINIERE (Antoine-Augustin)] - The Art of preserving one's health, composed by the school of Salerno, new translation into French verse, by MBLM, plus a Treatise on the preservation of the beauty of ladies , & many other useful & pleasant secrets. Paris, by the Company of Booksellers, 1777; in-12, 178 pp., old paperboard, smooth spine. This treatise gives a list of advice and combines foods to prescribe for treatment, as well as secrets to keep your beauty. Note that at the end of the volume, a small pamphlet is added: it is the "Secret to be always beautiful" by Antoine Bodeau de la Somaise. Good condition, old ex-libris Louis Auguste Lemaire.