"Kakemono Woodblock Buddhist Fudo Myoo Bishamoten Shinto Volcano "
Kakejiku which represents the shinto temple of mount Haruna symbolized by a cave surmounted by its sacred stone on the top as well as three buddhist deities and a penitent monk priest. On this print the three Buddhist deities are shoogun jizo 将軍地蔵 (the Buddha of jizo as a warrior rider) fudo myoo (the king of still light, an avatar of a Buddha) and bishamonten (the god of war and trade, one of the seven Japanese gods of luck).
The temple is dedicated to the god of harvests and wealth who was once a ghost and was unjustly drowned; he took his revenge against the emperor and after exorcism rituals, he was able to transform himself into an agricultural god bringing exceptional harvests and good fortune to those who honour him.
This kind of print disappeared from the Meji period with the laws of separation of Shinto from Buddhism. It is therefore from the Edo period.