Maurice Stiassnie was born in 1851 in Damboritz (Dambořice) in Moravia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Maurice Stiassnie, employee, partner, then successor of Constant Verick is part of a line of microscope manufacturers mainly German or Austrian, launched by Georg Oberhaüser in 1822
. At the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1889, Maurice Stiassnie presented his productions for which he received a gold medal.
Initially the Company was established at 43 rue des Ecoles until 1905, then at 204 boulevard Raspail in Paris.
In 1922 a new company was created in collaboration with his sons and took the name of "Stiassnie Frères, Paris", whose headquarters are at 67, boulevard Blanqui in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.
Unfortunately After the Second World War, the company "Stiassnie Frères, Paris" was unable to compete with the post-war German manufacturers and went bankrupt.
The microscope is functional equipped with three original objectives signed Stiassnie.
The microscope is signed "M. Stiassnie Paris 204 boulevard Raspail".
It is equipped with an eyepiece and an additional condenser lens and some slides.
Focus works well. Very good condition.
Original mahogany case. Working lock.
Delivery in France included.
Shipping throughout the European Union.
Payment: Bank Transfer, Paypal
Max height of the microscope 36cm Wooden box size: 20x22 H 35cm