"Maichin - Comments On The Custom Of St Jean d'Angely. 1708, Contemporary Binding."
MAICHIN - Comments on the custom of St Jean d'Angely composed by Mr. Maichin, adviser to the Roy, special lieutenant in the seneschalsy of Saintonge, at the seat & jurisdiction of the said Saint Jean d'Angely. Saintes, Chez Théodore Delpech, 1708; in-4, VI-24-386 pp., contemporary full calfskin binding, spine decorated with 5 bands, title label in red morocco, marbled edges. Label of the bookseller P. Gauvry in Bordeaux. Common law book that deals with political, civil and criminal matters, and the law of elections and successions, the rights and obligations of marriage, water and forests, as well as legal procedures.