"Senecae - L. Aennaei Senecae And Aliorum Tragoediae. Bratislava, Chez Daniel Pietsch, 1754."
SENECAE - L. Aennaei Senecae and aliorum Tragoediae. Bratislava, Chez Daniel Pietsch, 1754; in-12, printed title page, 287 pp., old cardboard, smooth spine, marbled edges. Seneca the Philosopher (L.-Annæus Seneca) famous Latin writer born in Cordoba in 3 or 4 AD, devoted himself to philosophy and eloquence. He was Nero's tutor and greatly influenced 18th century authors, such as Corneille, through his stoicism. Seneca was driven to suicide by slitting his veins in his bath, being compromised in Pison's conspiracy. Good condition, curious impression of Bratislava.