Egg tempera painting Wooden panels with a brass mount
Date of origin around 1680
The keeps are in the rows from left to right and top to bottom as follows:
Left wing:
1. Birth of Mary (top left)
2. Mariae Introduction to the Temple (top right)
3. Christ's baptism (bottom left)
4. Christ's entry into Jerusalem (bottom right)
Middle wing:
5. Holy Trinity (top left)
6. Descent into Hell and Resurrection of Christ (top center)
6. Annunciation (top right)
8. Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor (below left)
9. Ascension Day (bottom right)
Right wing:
10. Nativity
11. Presentation of Christ
12. Dormition of the Blessed Mother
13. Elevation of the True Cross
The images of the most important festivals of the Orthodox Church have a firmly prescribed basic structure. In addition to the Bible, the source is always the ecclesiastical treasure of legends and the apocrypha.
Good state of preservation.
A quality collector's item!