- 12 coffee spoons
- 12 tea spoons
- 12 ice cream spoons
- 12 dessert spoons
- 12 oyster forks
- 12 cheese forks
- 12 cheese knives (weight 527g)
- 12 shellfish forks
- 12 shellfish knives (weight 590g)
- 12 table spoons
- 11 tablespoons
- 12 fish forks
- 12 fish knives
- 12 meat knives (weight 815g)
- 12 meat forks
- 2 salad servers (spoon and fork)
- 2 fish servers (fork and knives)
Hallmark OC "Olier et Caron", 1 rising sun and 1 star
- Total weight with knives: 8752g
- Weight without meat knives, cheese knives and shellfish knives: 6820g