Very good state. Sold with invoice - certificate.
Sadi Matamba born 1944
Sadi Matamba was born in Lubumbashi, Katanga, on November 15, 1944. After his primary studies and two secondary years in the Latin section at the Collège de la Salle, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts of this same school for four years. city. Came to Kinshasa in 1964, he enrolled in the higher cycle which he finished after three years. He currently assumes the responsibilities of head of printing at the IRS (Scientific Research Institute) in Kinshasa. Regular at the Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Fine Arts and the BCZ, Sadi participated in 1973 in the exhibition held in Kinshasa, at the Cité du Parti in N'Sele, on the occasion of the Third Congress Extraordinary of the AICA; at the exhibition of the FNCA (National Festival of Culture and Arts), in 1976; in the exhibition "Art everywhere" of the CIAF at the Academy of Fine Arts, in 1978; at the Galerie Renault in 1982. Abroad, he took part in 1975, in Paris, in the avant-garde exhibition.