"18th Century Harp From Holtzman In Paris"
Harp by Holtzman in Paris Rare harp with hook mechanism, for thirty-eight strings and seven pedals. The carved wooden butt is black and gilded lacquer, in the style of China, and is decorated with figures or pagodas. Fall decorated with acanthus leaves and ribboned sticks, on a console with flowers and garlands of oak leaves. It is signed in ink: HOLTZMAN in Paris, on the table, at the junction with the console. End of the Louis XVI period. The invention of the single-action harp is attributed to the German organbuilder Hochbrücker (1699 - 1763). It was at the beginning of the 18th century that he developed the system of pedals on the harp, it can be single movement formerly Cousineau, Naderman, Chaillot, Renault, Louvet, Kruppou double movement Erard. In both cases, reference is made to the mechanism connecting the pedals to the strings to modify their length and allow the playing of musical alterations, that is to say sharps and flats. This improvement makes it possible to play scholarly music, in particular works for harpsichord. The German harpist Gaiffre (1827-1809) introduced the new instrument to Paris. The pedal harp, or classical harp, is the one used in symphony orchestras and chamber music groups. It is the most sophisticated harp. There are 7 pedals which modify the 7 notes of the scale on all octaves. Paris soon became the most important center for the manufacture of harps. The single-action harp was the model on which Marie-Antoinette and the Duchess of Guînes played, for whom Mozart composed his Concerto for flute and harp in 1778. The chromatic harp was invented in 1894 by Gustave Lyon, director of the Pleyel firm