Oil on canvas
Théo Meier (1908 -1982)
A Swiss artist, he studied painting at the Basel School of Arts. Very inspired by Gauguin, he left at the age of 20 for France to follow in his footsteps to Pont-Aven. In 1929, he went to Berlin and discovered German Expressionism. Traveled to the South Seas in 1932-1933, to Polynesia and Melanesia where he devoted himself to his predilection, female portraiture. After a short stay in Singapore, he arrived in Bali in 1936 where he met other European painters, Le Mayeur, Hofker, Spies and many other Indonesian artists. From 1957, he moved to Thailand, which did not prevent him from frequently returning to Bali. The gallery here presents a Polynesian or Melanesian landscape, with obvious inspiration, created shortly after his stay in Oceania.