"Dogon Couple From Mali"
Rare and Beautiful representation of the Primordial Ancestor Couple BOMBOU - TORO DOGON from Mali has exceptional thick sacrificial patina Haughty attitude on a cheffal stool height 55cm hardwood height 55cm Probably very old to obtain such a thick patina According to Hélène LELOUP, the couples of statues probably suggest a twin birth. They are carved during the birth of twins from heaven and installed on the altars dedicated to NOMMO. The sacrifices will keep the children in good health and will allow the renewal of this honor (Leloup, statuary Dogon, 1994, P56 and 63) The woman carries a child in the back, the man a quiver, quality of fertility for the woman and of warrior for man. The feet and hands are fingered, the limbs slender. The long bulbous abdomen is marked by a protruding umbilicus. Bracelets are carved on the arms. The eyes are close together, the long nose ends in an arrow, the protruding open mouth I insist on the exceptional patina free shipping in the net world