Our altar stone still has its relic authenticated by a small trace of wax, masking the insertion of said relic in the side of this stone. It is an "operative" piece, on which and with which a priest officiated. It therefore had a role in the permanent renewal of the Christian Mystery which is transubstantiation. It bears its traces through a multitude of scratches.
This patina is proof of the role it played. We find there the 5 classic crosses which represent the five wounds of Christ. These crosses of consecration are ordinarily twelve in number at the time of the consecration of a church, like the number of apostles, and five of these crosses are traditionally engraved on the altar stone.
Last signature, the 33 cm in length can only unconsciously remind us of the crucifixion, whose altar stone reminds us of the Sacrifice of Christ. In numerology the number 33 is also a sacred number representing the Divine Truth....
Syncretism or will, everyone will see the answer they want.