"Misleading Pitcher In Earthenware - Malicorne (19th Century)"
Misleading earthenware pitcher - Malicorne (19th century) Misleading or surprise pitcher on which is written "Drink I don't mind, but know how to place your hand" Signature Malicorne – Pouplard-Béatrix Origins: The adventure of earthenware with the installation of Jean Loyseau in Malicorne. Guillaume Rabigot, former turner of Loyseau and heir to the know-how, develops his factory, called Faiencerie du Bourg-Joly which will be taken over several times. Today it is the oldest faience factory in Malicorne. In 1890, Emile Pouplard acquired the pottery from the parents of his wife, Marie-Angèle Beatrix. Their joint productions will be signed PBx. (source: wikipedia). Visible at the Courcelles Antiquités Gallery, at 97 rue de Courcelles, in the 17th arrondissement of Paris.