Acryl on board
8 * 8,7 inch (20,5 * 22 cm)
Framed 8,4 * 9,1 inch (21,5 * 23 cm)
Signed and dated " 7.7.76 l.r.
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Cheepen (1946-2016) was a self-taught artist. David slowly developed his own method of combining precise draughtsmanship with meticulously applied acrylic paint. Clearly delineated elements derived from the external world, from memory and from imagination, resulting in symmetrical compositions.
Each painting required over two hundred hours of patient concentration.The subject matter or content of David’s work has always reflected his various and successive extra-painterly pre-occupations. In it, he has addressed social, ethical and ecological issues and the nature of consciousness and perception. In the 1970’s, while living in Hertfordshire, David’s paintings expressed his concern for the fate of the planet and his love of animals, especially cats. The work Judgement Day is an example of that expression.