the quality of Baccarat with the mastery of cutting by workers of Le Creusot, it was at this time that companies merged. (1832: Signature on July 9 of a sales agreement between Mesrs. Chagot (Cristalleries de la Reine), and the establishments of Saint-Louis and Baccarat. Value of the Cristallerie was set at 120,000 F (buildings and equipment).
Decor of twisted gadroons in high relief, each with central cut of one lentil. Round base, cut of a star. Wide hatched border for the bowl.
Pitcher and bowl are in good condition, without cracks. The pitcher, including handle and its hot welds are impeccable, but shows the trace of an old grinding of chips on base. (red arrows).
Dimensions: 24cm x 21cm and approximately 3kg!
Look carefully at our photos.....This object is for immediate purchase, payable by credit card or paypal.
- eclectic - antique dealers since 1970, Siret: FR 24.430113233 Invoice and Certificate are attached to each of our shipments.