"16,90 Meters Of First Empire Printed Cotton Borders - Jouy Circa 1815"
First Empire period - Early 19th century France Beautiful set of 16,90 linear meters (14.5 cm high) of First Empire borders for decoration. Cotton printed on a wooden board with neo-classical frieze motifs loaded with pine cones, chimney brown on a yellow ocher background. The production of wall borders is an essential part of the decoration of castles and mansions during the first half of the 19th century. They framed large hangings above the woodwork. There are 9,70 meters in excellent condition and 7 meters with areas of discoloration. 820 euros the whole. Maybe divided. Dimensions: 1st choice 14x50cm - 14x54cm - 14.5x78cm - 15x110 cm - 14x183 cm - 15x184 cm - 14.5x318 cm
2nd choice (good condition but slight discoloration) 14.5x78 cm - 15x283 cm - 14x352cm