"Trumeau Louis XV Regency, Oak Carved With Winged Angels And Canvas With Cherubs 118 X 178 Cm"
Beautiful workmanship for this trumeau from the Louis XV period, resulting from a set of woodwork elements, (formerly recut) the latter is decorated with a canvas with the allegories of music representing three cherubs musicians * this trumeau all in oak presents a rich molded and sculpted rockery decoration of exceptional quality, in addition to the foliage, scrolls, leafy staples, acanthus leaves, central shell. its presence is crowned by two heads of winged angels which echo each other on the shoulders of its mirror. Old silver nitrate looking glass, Beautiful patina having retained its original colors. Reference: Baudelaire *we find this same realization (inverted), at the castle of Jossigny (77) where it overcomes one of the three doors of the large living room.