European work, Germany ? 19th century
Polychrome steel
H. 49 cm, length 22 cm, width 11 cm
Miniature harness, said to be a master's armour, based on the French medieval armour of the 15th - 16th centuries. It is made of steel, fully articulated and assembled with leather straps.
Like a real horseman's armour, this reduced representation is composed of an openwork armour with a removable visor, a gorgerin, spallières, a plastron, arm and forearm cannons, cubitières, gauntlets, cuissots, grenouillères and solerets. The cuirass is decorated with a rider and the whole armour is decorated with foliage.
Illustration : Octave de Penguilly L'Haridon, Album du cabinet d'armes de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon III, Paris 1867, pl. face p. 24, detail.
Text and photos © FCP CORIDON
Ref.LP : 3371