kabuto koshozan hoshi bachi type helmet with 22 blades mounted with a neck cover (hineno type iron shikoro covered with two-tone lacquered and braided leather in ivory and navy blue silk
kebiki Mask (menpo) of the ressei type (fierce) in iron mounted on a gorget (yodarekake) in iron covered with lacquered leather and braided in ivory silk kebiki breastplate (dô) of type ni maï do in iron covered with lacquered leather and decorated with a pattern dragon winding all around
this dô is assembled with a belt made up of 7 rows of suspended plates (kuzasuri) in lacquered leather and braided in two-tone ivory and navy blue
Sangu (three pieces) including sleeves (kote) of the shinto kote type in iron black lacquered
thigh-strap (aidate) of yozane type
aidate in lacquered leather in black and gold tataki nuri
shin guards (suneate) of shinto type suneate in black lacquered iron
these three pieces have the same silk fabric with a dragon motif this armor has its case of storage
it testifies to the care given to the finishes of the Kaga craftsmen
the brading of the do will be restorated and the aidate resewn correctly as some parts are unsewn