[LEGER (Fernand)] – GANZO (Robert) - Orénoque – Unpublished poem by Robert Ganzo and three original drawings by Fernand Léger.
P., Typography, 1937, 1 vol. in-8° (218 x 150 mm) paperback under cream cover printed in black and red, unpaginated.
Very nice copy.
First edition printed in 150 unjustified copies, all on vergé de Rives paper. 3 unpublished drawings by Fernand Léger, reproduced out of text.
Beautiful and long autograph dedication signed by the author to the poet and critic of Belgian origin André Fontainas:
"Perhaps, dear Monsieur André Fontainas, has a copy of this poem already been given to you? Excuse me for so much insistence. And thank you again since poetry owes you a lot. Robert Ganzo, 1938".