[DAUMIER (Honoré)] - DÉTÉ (Eugène) & DIMIER Louis) - Physionomies & Physiologies.
Eighty-one woodcuts after Daumier executed by Eugène Dété with a preface and a catalog of Daumier's woodcut work by Louis Dimier.
P., Emile Nourry editor, 1930, 1 vol. large in-8° (290 x 190) bound in ½ brown shagreen with small corners, smooth spine decorated with romantic irons, marbled paper boards, preserved covers and spine, (E. JARRIGEON Rel.), 72 pp. (half-title and title included) - 81 pl. - (1) f. (proof).
Bits, caps and corners very slightly rubbed, very fine copy.
First edition of this interesting publication on Daumier printed in 750 copies, 1 of 600 on vellum (N°155). 81 plates after Daumier in-fine.
Our copy is enriched with an original unsigned drawing, in pencil, representing an old couple, and with more than 400 vignettes and cut-out plates of 19th century publications mounted on bound sheets in the body of the work.
You will find there among others:
- 1 delivery cover of the Folies Caricaturales, Baroque Album
- 1 complete Album "Sketches Variés" by Daumier, P., Librairie Nouvelle, Bureau du Charivari, sd, 1 f. of title and 14 plates (2 ill. per plate), preserved covers
- 4 vignettes bearing the HD monogram in pencil
- 10 vignettes printed in blue & 14 vignettes printed on pink paper
- 4 complete plates of the Charivari folded
- 2 prints on Japanese paper...