MASSIN - L'ABC du Métier.
P., Imprimerie Nationale, 1988, in-4° bound in full gray box, mute smooth spine, "MASSIN" blindfolded, 5 cut-out windows and a large metallic "B" added to the top cover, cover ill. by Bretécher and spine preserved, in a canvas box, title printed on paper on the back (Atelier Mazarine), 226 pp.
Perfect copy.
The profusely illustrated "Autobiography" of this genius graphic designer.
This is copy No. 12 of the deluxe edition (number of deluxe copies not specified but anyway low) bound by the Mazarine workshops in 1989. The binding, perfectly executed, has the particularity of to be in system.
The B mounted on an axis on the upper plate can turn, showing successively: Position 1.: The letters A and C, a red rectangle, a yellow circle and a blue rectangle. Position 2.: The letters A and C upside down, "L'abc" in the first rectangle, "du" in the circle and "profession" in the second rectangle.