"Saint Catherine Of Alexandria, Polychrome Carved Wood Sculpture XVII Eme Century"
Ste Catherine of Alexandria, polychrome wood sculpture XVII th century Ste Catherine is represented standing on a pedestal (posterior), face slightly smiling, with the open book of the Holy Scriptures, trampling at her feet a small man, who evokes the 'Emperor Maximian, his persecutor Missing an attribute, either a sword which was used to behead her, or the palm of the martyrs Very cultured woman, after having dreamed of Jesus Christ, she decided to devote her life to him. She attempted to convert Emperor Maximian to Christianity. The latter, knowing her to be very learned, decided to put her to the test against 50 scholars. His intelligence made it possible to convince them and convert them Mad with anger, the Emperor had them executed but impressed by Catherine's culture, offered her the marriage Faced with her refusal, humiliated, he had her tortured with a wheel with sharp points, but miraculously the points broke. The emperor then had her beheaded. Saint Catherine thus died a virgin and very learned. Total height 87 cm Height of the statue 76 cm