Circle of Guido Reni
Oil painting on canvas
2nd half of the 17th century
golden frame
Canvas 45 x 67 frame 57 x 79
Very good condition
A very elegant representation of the Virgin in prayer, her hands crossed on her breasts, as she prepares to receive the divine message from the Archangel Gabriel.
Of remarkable stylistic perfection, the painting represents the face of the Madonna with very fine features, slightly in profile and modestly turned downwards, her eyes half-closed.
The author, endowed with great pictorial ability, can be identified in the wide circle of Emilian artists revolving around the creative genius of Guido Reni, who counted among his students many excellent interpreters of his extraordinary inventions.
In fact, the painting is one of many images of the Virgin Mary created by the great Master.
The incredible grace of this Marian iconography lent itself well to private devotion and was often reproduced to embellish the homes of the great Bolognese families who made great demands of it.
In this case, the fineness of the painting is evident, which stands out from the many examples of modest quality representing the same subject.
The vivid colors of the flesh tones and the remarkable intense blue of the Virgin's mantle stand out, which, together with an ideal size, make this painting very pleasant and easy to place.