"Louis Léon Nicolas Verreaux (1830-1879). Back From Fishing."
Return from fishing". Louis Léon Nicolas Verreaux is a French painter born in 1830 in Paris where he died in 1878. Louis Verreaux offers us a moment of rest on the beach of Boulogne-sur-mer where he lived for many years. The fishermen meet to happily share their baskets of fish, a little girl plays on the sand at low tide with her dog while the mother changes her last on a rock. Louis Léon Verreaux is a painter of landscapes, seascapes and animals, he was also an excellent draughtsman and watercolourist.We discovered him in many salons and at the universal exhibition of 1878. In 1860, Louis Léon Verreaux obtained a silver medal for his Fish store at the Amiens exhibition, and in 1863, a bronze medal at the Rouen exhibition.Our painting is signed and dated lower left L Verrieux 1852. Its very beautiful frame is carved and gilded wood.84 cm x 55 cm without frame