"“odalisque” By José Palmeiro"
José Palmeiro (1903-1984) - Odalisque Born in Madrid on August 18, 1903, he worked in Paris (French School). His work is divided into two periods around 1948. Our painting is therefore in the first period. Before 48 he was known for the successful painter of his Spanish maidens and bouquets of flowers. After this date he was not afraid to break a vein yet far from being exhausted to move towards a more abstract painting made of landscapes and still lifes. Although often in South America where he enjoys a deserved fame, he often returns to Paris to show his work. He appears in many international museums and has exhibited in the greatest Parisian galleries. The proposed painting is part of the School of Paris and is an important work by José Palmeiro. Dimensions without the frame 77 X 102 cm. Documentation Béénézit VOL.8, Page 97 Shipment by us with custom packaging and insurance