"Painting Signed Modest Ugell I Inglada"
Painting representing a landscape signed Modest Urgell i Inglada (Barcelona, 1839 - 1919) is a Catalan painter. He is sometimes nicknamed Katúfol. Modest Urgell studied at the La Llotja school in Barcelona as a pupil of Ramon Martí i Alsina. He spends some time in Paris where he meets Gustave Courbet and inscribes his painting in realism. In the 1860s, his canvases were refused for being too advanced for the exhibitions organized by La Llotja. His exhibitions in Madrid were no more successful. To avoid the yellow fever epidemic in Barcelona, he left the city in 1870 for Olot, invited by Joaquim Vayreda. The following years he traveled to Arenys de Mar, Gelida and Toulouse. Commissions allow him to live from his art. He obtained his first successes at the national exhibitions in Madrid in 1876, 1892 and 1895 where he obtained a medal. Founding member of the Artistic and Literary Society of Catalonia (Societat Artística i Literària), he became a professor at La Llotja from 1902. Museo del Prado, 1992