Wide blade in brace, flat and square, damascened with decoration of interlacing, foliage and foliage surmounted by a fleur-de-lis.
Shaped leather case, missing slicer.
- The Louvre Museum has a display knife inlaid around 1627, Northern Germany “1627” is the date of the marriage of Georges II Hess Darmstadt with Sophie Eléonore de Saxe – Inventory 161). Main number: OA 527/Depository number: CL 22194/Depository number: ECL 22194 (Department of Works of Art from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Modern Times. On deposit: National Museum of the Renaissance - Château d'Ecouen, Ecouen)
- Another "THE SECQ DES TOURNELLES MUSEUM" (LS 1999. 0. 31) Germany 1550-1575.
- présentoir only: length of 40.5 cm x maximum width of 6.7 cm
- case only: length of 34 cm x maximum width of 7.8 cm
- présentoir in the case: length of 41 cm.
Alsace or Franche Comté (lands of Empire) circa 1600.