16th century bronze plaquette representing the Judgment of Paris.
Diameter: 54mm
Provenance: Former Alfred Spero collection (1886-1973).
This famous plaquette is known by many specimens, some of which are signed IO.FF (signature on which specialists have been toiling for two centuries...). Some specimens kept in museums:
Here at the Louvre: https://collections.louvre.fr/ark:/53355/cl010111324
Here at the NGA in Washington: https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object- page.44194.html
There at the Ashmolean museum: https://collections.ashmolean.org/collection/browse-9148/object/44374
Philippe Malgouyre, De Filarete à Riccio, bronzes italiens de la Renaissance, la collection du musée du Louvre, Paris 2020. Cat n°260, and about Master IO.FF pages 96 and following.