"[dedication Sent] Cocteau (jeans) - Le Potomak. Eo."
COCTEAU (Jean). The Potomak preceded by a Prospectus. Paris, Librairie Stock / Delamain / Boutelleau & Cie, 1924. One vol. in-12 format (188 x 123 mm) of 341 pp., paperback. Partly original edition; embellished with 63 full-page drawings by Jean Cocteau. Copy enriched with the half-title of an autograph dedication signed by the author: ''à François F*** / en / souvenir / de / Jean Cocteau / [small drawn star]. ''Of this singular book Jean Cocteau declared: “My work begins with Le Potomak; it is a kind of preface. Indeed, this hybrid work, alternating drawings and texts, of an absolute freedom of form, was composed at the dawn of the First World War, and the artist will always consider it as his authentic first book. We also find there the famous epigram which he could have made his motto: “What the public reproaches you for, cultivate it, it is you. “'' Back worn and slightly wrinkled. Adhesive on the margin of the first sheet (white). Seams of the first notebooks slightly distended. Otherwise, good condition.