This quirky pattern is made up of palmettes and flowers, it looks like it's just part of a bigger whole.
Very similar palmettes, drawn in a curvilinear fashion and combined with identical forked leaves, can be seen on a few examples of workshop carpets made from the end of the 17th century in Herat, in the province of Khurasan, Eastern Persia.
The same pattern, known as the Harshang design, was also used in the Caucasus in the 18th century.
The pattern uses richly intricate floral repeating networks of palmettes and flowers in the brilliant colors of so-called Herati motifs, which make it a direct descendant of the large 17th-century vase-technique rugs found in various museums throughout. the world.
Size: 288x197cm
Condition: Fairly good overall. Selvages redone on the 2 sides as well as on the 2 ends of the fringes. On one of the sides the last small border is missing. 2 lack of wool (see photo the 2 small circles) there are no holes but a lack of wool.
Very beautiful carpet which over its travels has maintained its condition as well as its charm. Gorgeous colors!!