"Mythological Etching Diana And Endymion Engraving By Pietro Bonato After Francesco Albani 19th Century Old Print"
Diana and Endymion early 19th century engraving by Pietro Bonato (1765-1820) Veneto Bassanese, in Rome, drawn by Domenico del Frate, after a painting by Francesco Albani. Caption in Italian in the lower margin: "Discende dal cielo Diana per vagheggiare Endimione nel sonno immerso" Very nice proof, circa 1806 from the myth of Diana and Endymion.
Subject: 42 x 52 cm 16.53 x 20.47 inches
Sheet: 49.8 x 56 cm 19.6 x 22.04 inches
Exceptional quality of execution highly contrasted. Good condition.
This work has been restaured by a professional & accurate restaurer.
All our old prints are offered in good condition. When necessary, they have been restored by a professional restorer.