A similar chandelier is exhibited at the Liria Palace in Madrid, the Duke of Alba’s residence.
commentary :
La Real Fábrica de Cristales de La Granja was established in 1727 in San Ildefonso under order of the Bourbon king Felipe V of Spain, in order to furbish the royal palace of the Granja in glaces and mirrors. French glass masters came at the royal manufacture in 1746, and then masters from Germany and Bohemia (1750). Like the Buen Retiro royal manufacture of porcelain, the Santa Barbara tapestry manufacture, the Granja royal manufacture of crystal took part in the diffusion of Spanish decorative arts in Europe during the 18th century. The manufacture was closed in 1808, consequently to the Spanish independance war, before being restored in 1815 under the reign of Fernando VII. The production was active during the whole 19th century, managed by private owners, and exported in Europe and in America. To pay tribute to this tradition and know-how, a museum and a dedicated center was founded in 1982.