"Cylindrical Wrought Iron Padlock, Its Screw Key, Germany 18th Century"
long cylinder padlock, wrought iron, hinged hook ring opening 180°, powerful rectangular key entry, when you tighten the screw key fully, you release ring. When you unscrew, an internal spring pushes the bolt into the ring buttonhole. Key, forged, shows a beautiful reinforced ring on base. This object is not an Indian handicraft, but a beautiful piece of ironwork, thick, indestructible, South Germany or Austria, unusual model.
Dimensions: 16.2cm with key, x 5cm. Weight: 350gr.
Good condition, no flaws, good functioning. Take a good look at our photos.
This item is for immediate purchase, payable by credit card or paypal.
- eclectic – For curious, bargain hunters, deals to do: we open the doors to our back shop: eclectic-le-stock. Click on Private website, on the antique dealers home page.
ince 1970, Siret: FR 24.430113233. Invoice and Certificate are attached to each of our shipments.