"Albert-henri De Sallengre - In Praise Of Yvresse - 1734"
This work is not the original edition of 1714 but an edition of 1734.
The praise of Yvresse. in Amsterdam, Henry Desbordes
Like the 1714 edition, this one is illustrated with a beautiful title-frontispiece representing Bacchus. Copy with unidentified arms
Blunt corners otherwise in good condition
For the pleasure of the future reader here is the beginning of the preface; "If ever a Preface should take the place of an Apology, it is certainly this one. The very Title of the Book is enough to make it universally exclaimed, and to give a bad opinion of its Author: for there will be no shortage of to say that the one who wrote L'ELOGE DE L'YVRESSE is a professional drunkard, who in writing on such a subject did nothing that was not part of his profession, and did not want to leave his Sphere, all just as Baudouin Shoemaker & Son of Shoemaker, published a Treatise on the Shoes of the Ancients, wanting to observe the precept Ne sutor ultra crepidam [shoemaker, not higher than your shoe, which commonly translates as Do not fart higher than your ass]. To this I reply that I agree that I am believed to be as drunkard as Erasmus, who wrote THE PRAISE OF MADNESS, was crazy, and that I am weighed in the same scales."